Marcel Herrador ( * 1971 )

Portrait of Marcel Herrador

Biography of Marcel Herrador

Painting as a form of thinking

Marcel Herrador was born in 1971, in Marburg. He was lived in many locations in Hessen and Osnabrück. With a degree in social sciences, he finally moved to Emden in 2005, where he works as a self-taught freelance artist.

His paintings don’t represent reality, but a pure expression of his emotional life. The content of his artworks revolves around politics and our society: social, economic and environmental issues. The artist uses his paint brushes and strokes to express his mind instead of putting it into words. His technique is as spontaneous as it is emotional.

Herrador works mainly with acrylic paints. He has exhibited his artworks in Bomlitz ("Visual Basics", 2008), the Groot Huser Church ("Entfernte Möglichkeiten", 2011), the Greetsieler Week 2012, the Green Mill (2014), the Atlantic Hotel Universum in Bremen (“Universal Thoughts", 2014-15).



Homepage of Marcel Herrador's website

Wall art prints and famous paintings by Marcel Herrador

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