Biography of John Constable

John Constable was a painter of the Romantic period. His works (mostly sky and cloud studies, but also horses, portraits, and still lifes) are characterized by precision, attention to detail, and abandonment of guiding lines. He was primarily interested in observing landscapes and elements of nature and later transposed the results of his studies into his works.

Born on June 11, 1776, he was the son of a miller and grew up in a family of five children. He lived his childhood in the countryside and this phase of his life greatly influenced his artistic production. Constable studied first in Lavenham and then in Dedham, where he created many of his works. Later he moved to London to continue his studies and, in the capital, he learned the art of copying from the old masters. In 1806, he made his first sketches, including more than a hundred pieces, made in pencil, ink and watercolor and representing mostly female subjects. 

Constable died on March 31, 1837.

This artist, along with William Turner, is the greatest representative of English landscape art and his works, although not widely appreciated in his time, are still admired today for their unparalleled beauty.



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